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When choosing between a healthy or a desirable option, it matters how we have to select this option. For instance, one study shows that when people order food, they tend to make healthier choices when they have to push buttons instead of speaking out loud. These findings apply to all kinds of decision making. This means that new voice-operated technologies like Siri could for instance have more dangerous consequences than motoric-operated technologies.

Burgers without animal suffering? It might be possible soon. And no, we’re not talking about vegetarian meat substitutes. As Mark Post (Maastricht University) explains in this lecture, lab-grown meat could be the answer when it comes to reducing our impact on the environment, while still allowing us to eat meat.

Engelse video colleges UvNL Engelse video colleges UvNL 100% 11 Series like Star Trek reflected the utopian worldview after World War II. Right now, these ideals are falling apart and pop-culture changes with it. Science fiction series like Black Mirror show us that if we go on like this, we’ll end up living in a dystopian future. Dan Hassler-Forest (Utrecht University) tells you all about it. Ondersteuning voor schermlezers is ingeschakeld. Series like Star Trek reflected the utopian worldview after World War II. Right now, these ideals are falling apart and pop-culture changes with it. Science fiction series like Black Mirror show us that if we go on like this, we’ll end up living in a dystopian future. Dan Hassler-Forest (Utrecht University) tells you all about it.

Imagine a computer that can identify if a piece of text was actually written by Shakespeare. Or recognize whether it was written by a man or a woman. Perhaps it could even give an exact profile of an abductor that left a letter with instructions. Malvina Nissim explains how you can use artificial intelligence to identify people based on words.

Life is a string of memories that gives meaning to who we are and what we want. The more we can remember, the more complete we feel in life. But is it possible to remember everything? And can we improve our memory? Boris Konrad explains how anyone can create a superior memory using certain memory techniques.